Prash's Blog

oauth.signpost.exception.OAuthNotAuthorizedException: Authorization failed (server replied with a 401). This can happen if the consumer key was not correct or the signatures did not match January 6, 2012

Filed under: Android — prazjain @ 1:00 pm
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I got this error when trying to post a simple tweet from my android app into twitter.

I had a sample test app created in twitter that I was using for a couple of days and it worked fine with all its consumer keys / secrets. But just before I was about to release the android app and created a new twitter app for use in release BOOM! I get this error! All I did was replace the CONSUMER KEY  and CONSUMER SECRET.

I searched the net all over the place but nothing could solve my issue.

Here is the resolution that worked.

In Twitter you can create apps that are either Browser based or Client based. Earlier twitter had a mechanism where it will ask the user to choose their app type. As seen in the below screenshot.

Here user can easily specify whatever type of application he intends to make. Also the callback url is optional because your android app application will overwrite it anyways to receive a callback.

Previous version of Twitter's Application creation page

Previous version of Twitter's Application creation page

Previous version of Twitter’s Application creation page

The new Twitter application creation page looks like this :

New Version of Twitter's application creation page

New Version of Twitter's application creation page

Here still the callback url is optional but what is not mentioned here in description is, this field is also used to determine if your application is a Client or Browser based application.

So only if you fill callback url for your application, it will be considered as browser based application else it will be considered as a client application.

In my case in the first test app I had set callback url but when I created a second app on twitter I left it out (because it is an optional field) and hence the Authorization failed.

So remember to give your application Read and Write Access and assign it a callback url so twitter will know that it is a browser based application.

I hope that helps.